Biosecurity In Arboriculture And Urban Forestry Position Statement

In the wake of ever-growing threats to tree health in the UK, the Arboricultural Association (AA) has published the ‘Biosecurity in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Position Statement’.

It addresses the problems associated with the introduction and spread of tree pests and diseases as well as invasive tree species. The document defines basic and easy-to-follow principles to be adopted by operators and professionals in related disciplines in order to reduce these biosecurity risks.

Here at Johns Associates, trees feature in our work at various levels: our landscape architects create planting designs and specifications, we prepare management plans and undertake arboricultural and ecological surveys on trees, and our contracting team is out on the ground planting, maintaining and felling trees. The AA’s position statement applies to all of these areas of work and each of us has a role to play to help keep our trees healthy.

In practice, this means making sure that, when designing new planting, home-grown trees are specified in preference over imported nursery stock; promoting maintenance regimes that allow for measures to increase species and genetic diversity, while controlling invasive species; assessing potential risks before going to site; and, when carrying out any tree works, following routine control measures in order to prevent the spread of tree pests and diseases.

The position statement can be viewed here.

Published: 25 July 2022

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