Mental Health Awareness Week

Alice raises funds for Mind Mental Health Charity during Mental Health Awareness Week.

Consultant Ecologist, Alice, has been raising funds for Mind, the mental health charity. Alice has undertaken and completed the Bristol half marathon raising over £790. To give an idea of how her funds can benefit others, this is how the money can help:

  • £120 could offer a lifeline to 8 people in desperate need of support from Mind legal line.
  • £200 could help keep the Mind Infoline open for 1 hour, helping 35 people.
  • £300 could support a young person bereaved by suicide access 1:1 and group support.
  • £550 could provide 5 people struggling with their mental health a place in a 10-week wellbeing group with team sports and cookery.

This is a fantastic achievement from Alice and all at Johns Associates are very proud of her.

Published: May 2023

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