
Waterman Infrastructure & Environment Ltd & WS Atkins PLC


Ecological expert witness at Public Inquiry

The Brief

Provide proof of evidence on ecology and expert ecological witness for Public Inquiry for Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) rail improvement scheme Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO Application) between Manchester and Leeds.

Our Role
  • Ensure that all relevant ecology survey and assessment has been undertaken in accordance with guidance and properly set out in the Environment Statement Ecology Chapter and Appendices.
  • Produce the ecological input to the month-long Public Inquiry including ecological proof of evidence, Statements of Common Ground and rebuttals to stakeholder objections.
  • Appear at the inquiry as expert ecology witness for Network Rain under cross examination by the inquiry inspector.
The Outcome

The production of a robust suite of ecology surveys, ecological assessments and proof of evidence for the scheme resulted in almost all stakeholder objections being addressed in the immediate lead up to the inquiry – and at inquiry itself - in various agreed Statement of Common Ground. Residual issues and clarifications were addressed at inquiry which was completed within the time allocated with no outstanding issues.