
Land & Development Advisory Ltd & Hampshire County Cricket Club


Landscape Design, Landscape Visual Appraisal

The Brief

Johns Associates were part of the design team to develop the masterplan for an enhanced fan experience and underpin the long-term future of the Ageas Bowl as a community asset and world class sporting venue.

Our Role
  • Lead the landscape design process from the masterplan at workstages 2 and 3, leading to a full planning application and including an LVA.
  • Proposal to include a residential development and independent living facility to facilitate the potential to expand visitor areas such as fanzones, hospitality venue, hotel, wellbeing and health centre and improved access and parking.
  • Provide a landscape-let master-plan to tie these proposals together and allow significant gains for biodiversity and green-blue infrastructure.
The Outcome

The Cricket Club fully endorsed the masterplan proposals. A full planning application was made in March 2022 following early engagement with the local authority Design Panel and feedback from the Public Consultation exercise.