Nature Restoration and Management
We approach the management and restoration of the countryside and habitats in the right way. Our advice comes from developing a baseline understanding of the land, its heritage, landscape, biodiversity, threats and opportunities, and your needs, to develop an agreed plan that ensures long term success and resilience. In some cases this requires management intervention whilst elsewhere it may be the case that the best thing is to allow natural process to lead the way, supported by monitoring and guidance where required. Our team of specialists and sub-contractors will exceed your expectations.
Johns Associates offers a broad selection of services and ensures we have a clear understanding of the specific requirements of your project and deliver a bespoke and cost-effective service that meets your needs.
Our ecologists, landscape architects, hydrologists and specialist contractors are experienced in both everyday situations and working in the most sensitive of habitats and species. We develop a strong integrated understanding of the environment, threats and opportunities and work with our clients and partners to define and deliver the most appropriate objectives, whether this is hands on management and restoration or a re-wilding based approach. We seek to multiple ecosystem benefits including biodiversity, carbon storage and sequestation, reducing flood risk restoring soils, increasing pollination and food production, conserve landscapes and heritage, increase human wellbeing and building in climate change resilience.
- Species and habitat mitigation e.g. artificial bat roosts, badger setts, reptile/amphibian refugia, otter holts, water vole habitat, bird roosts
- Habitat and species translocation including the preparation of receptor sites
- Design, advice and monitoring for BNG schemes
- Design, advice and monitoring for re-wilding projects
- Habitat creation, restoration and management
- Watercourse/pond/riverbank bioengineering
- River, lake and pond management
- Ongoing management and maintenance of environmentally sensitive habitats
- Tree works to support bat mitigation
- Tree and woodland management: felling, thinning and planting
- Sensitive site clearance: scrub/vegetation removal and control
- Control of weeds, nuisance and invasive species
- Enhancement of carbon stores in soil, wetlands and vegetation

Practical, cost effective, no-fuss implementation

Strong design solutions with built-in longevity
Our Deliverables
We deliver a wide range of services to support your business and organisation that help deliver sustainable solutions that make a positive difference to our clients, communities and the environment. We have a proven track-record of working across a broad range of sectors for a wide range of clients and the quality of our work is recognised through awards we have won, accreditations, but most importantly, long term relationships with our clients.
Johns Associates is a vibrant company offering a breadth of and environmental consultancy, design and support services. We have specialist teams that work closely together to deliver strong, positive results that also result in a net gain to the environment.

Registered Practice
Johns Associates is a Registered Practice with the Landscape Institute. It is also a Registered Practice with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and Corporate Partner of IEMA. Ensuring the health and safety of our employees, clients and the wider community is key to our business and we are a SafeContractor accredited organisation. Providing an inspiring and rewarding workplace is also key to our vision and values. This has been recognised through securing We Invest in People Platinum status.