Environmental Planning and Assessment
Our Environmental Assessment team can manage, deliver and review a broad range of assessments in line with Competent Authority, IEMA and other relevant guidelines. As a multidisciplinary practice, Johns Associates undertakes and co-ordinates the individual technical studies that together comprise the EIA and Environmental Statement and other key outputs. Knowing your legal obligations and the risk to the environment is essential.
Environmental Impact Assessment provides a robust and structured mechanism to identify and address risk and adverse effects from a project. Johns Associates also uses EIA to maximise the opportunities presented through careful project design to benefit environmental resources, local communities and business.
The team can lead your EIA and undertake the full spectrum of technical assessments - from screening to submission and beyond. We can carry out the community consultation process, produce supporting drawings, graphics and prepare the final Environmental Statement. Or, we can simply take a supporting technical role if that’s what’s needed.
Johns Associates undertakes Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA) for organisations operating under the COMAH Regulations and in other circumstances where ERA is required. We provide expert advice on all stages of preparing the risk assessment. Drawing on available site, process and substance data we undertake site assessments supported by the use of GIS, environmental data and hazard models to understand source, pathway, receptor relationships.
Our team undertakes a wide range of environmental and sustainability assessment work, both multidisciplinary, and single issue, including:
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), including screening, scoping, ES co-ordination and presentation, technical assessments.
- Environmental Risk Assessment under the COMAH Regulations, including baseline surveys and monitoring to confirm receptors and impacts. Spatial mapping of hazards, receptors and effects, conceptual site models, reporting, consultation and negotiation with Competent Authorities.
- Sustainability advice, audits and assessments
- Habitat Regulations Assessments
- Water Framework Directive Assessment

Strong design solutions with built-in longevity

Practical, cost effective, no-fuss implementation
Our Deliverables
We deliver a wide range of services to support your business and organisation that help deliver sustainable solutions that make a positive difference to our clients, communities and the environment. We have a proven track-record of working across a broad range of sectors for a wide range of clients and the quality of our work is recognised through awards we have won, accreditations, but most importantly, long term relationships with our clients.
Johns Associates is a vibrant company offering a breadth of and environmental consultancy, design and support services. We have specialist teams that work closely together to deliver strong, positive results that also result in a net gain to the environment.

Registered Practice
Johns Associates is a Registered Practice with the Landscape Institute. It is also a Registered Practice with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and Corporate Partner of IEMA. Ensuring the health and safety of our employees, clients and the wider community is key to our business and we are a SafeContractor accredited organisation. Providing an inspiring and rewarding workplace is also key to our vision and values. This has been recognised through securing We Invest in People Platinum status.